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Same day denture repair, denture reline and duplicate dentures.
Emergency denture repair dental lab serving US and Canada.
Dentures repairs. Mail-in nationwide service.
Walk-in. We will repair it while you wait.
Affordable nationwide dentures repairs, reline and duplication - full and partials. Same day denture repair service.
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Dentures repair step by step.
1. Mail-in your denture with our repair form attached.
Use light blue button on the right to navigate to our repair form. To speed up the process you can use overnight delivery.
2. You can also use walk-in service to deliver your denture. All dentures received before noon will be repaired and shipped back to you on the same day. Remember you do not need prescription when you send your denture to us.
Denture reline step by step.
1. Order reline kit through us by calling free toll number. To speed up the process buy denture reline kit locally.
2. Apply denture reline kit and mail in or use walk-in option to deliver your denture. Hard denture reline will be completed same day if denture is received before noon. We will ship your relined denture back to you same day. No prescription needed.
Our denture repair prices:
One tooth repair (you supply the tooth).
Add $20 for each additional tooth.
One tooth repair (we supply new tooth).
Add $20 for each additional tooth.
Denture break or fracture repair.
Add $20 for additional break, fracture, to remove glue, to fix built up holes or warn areas, and renew stained or discolored areas.
Place name or phone number in denture.
Economy spare, duplicate denture: (upper or lower).
Premium quality duplicate denture: (upper or lower).
One shade lighter teeth.
Super white or bright white teeth.
Denture reline (please call us before ordering).
Free standard shipping on all denture repair and duplication services. To see our denture repair form, click here.
6 Month extended repair warranty - each denture.
1 Year extended repair warranty - each denture.
5 Year extended repair warranty - each denture.

Same day denture repair.
At our dental laboratory it makes no difference what service you require. If you manage to deliver or mail in your denture before noon; all repairs and duplication will be completed same day. Read more.
Emergency denture repair.
We are suggesting to overnight your broken denture to our denture repair clinic. We do not prioritize any customers. Whatever you may need will be completed same day and your denture will be mailed back to you either free standard delivery or overnight if requested by you on our form.
24hour turn around.
What does that mean? Any denture received before noon will arrive back at your house or any designated by you location in less than 24 hours from the moment we receive it. You need to request overnight return mail option which you can find on our denture repair form.
Denture repair in the mail.
This service is for customers from out of state. Our dental lab allows to you use walk-in, same-day denture repair service, or you can mail your denture to us with our printable denture repair form.
Should you decide to use denture repair in the mail option, our denture repair lab will examine, repair, and ship back to you your denture or partial denture on the same day.
Partial denture repair.
At our dental laboratory it makes no difference if we are repairing full dentures or partials. It will be completed the same day. Please take a look at our denture repair form to review our prices and repair options available for you at our dental laboratory. More about partial dentures.
Overnight Dentures Repairs.
Overnight denture repair is referring to your shipment option. It is for customers who are not able to deliver their denture directly to us or if they deliver it in late afternoon hours.
We advise our local customers to visit our location before noon or in early afternoon hours to use same day denture repair service. We are open 6 days a week.
Broken tooth repair.
Broken denture-tooth repair is our lowest-costing denture repair service. With your tooth we can do it for as little as $39. More about broken denture teeth.
We repair it while you wait.
This service is available for you Sunday through Friday. As long as you bring your denture before noon, we will be able to repair it while you wait. If you are late we will repair it overnight.
Spares, duplicates.
Our premium quality duplicate is made from the highest quality heat and pressure cured dental acrylic with wear resistant polymer plastic teeth in a verify of natural looking tooth shades.
Our economy duplicate dentures are made from generic self cure denture acrylic. Tooth shades are limited to basic colors and may vary from original tooth color wear and break resistance is not as good as our premium denture. We offer this option but also advise against it. More about duplicate dentures.
How to fix your denture at home?
We are advising against it unless in cases of real emergency. We have provided some guide lines here.
Fixing dentures at home.
Duplicate dentures $199 with any denture repair.
Denture repair starting at $39.
What makes us special?
We can repair your denture regardless of your home location. Any town or city in United States and most of Canada.
What makes our dental laboratory different from our competitors?
We do not set minimum cost of repair. If you find price lower than ours on other dental laboratories website let us know. We will do it for the same price or beat it.
There is no need for prescription if you decide to use our dental lab. We will take care of everything at our end. You can mail your denture using overnight delivery service if you are in a hurry. You can also request overnight delivery from us at additional cost. Standard delivery is on us.
I have no doubt prices starting at $39 makes us the most competitive on the internet. And of course highest quality duplicate dentures made for $199 brought us huge amount of customers immediately.
With us you can skip dentist visit. This always results in additional charges to you. Your prescription will be provided right here at our facility. If your denture is really used up, and you think you need a replacement, then this is the time for dentist office visit. Repairing denture, which no longer fits in your mouth comfortably, may not be your best option. You may want to look into denture reline services we also provide.
We make your duplicate on the same day and ship it back to you with your repaired denture. If this is not possible we will contact you on the day we receive your denture. We will explain causes and advise you if needed.
You can navigate to shipment providers page using the menu at the top of our site. You can chose one of the mail companies and find drop off location near your home by typing in your home address. In most cases this is going to be the fastest way to get your denture back repaired. And if you considering extra cost for shipment all you have to do is compare our prices to your local laboratory. You will see you are not overpaying.
Our emergency repair and duplication service is available for all states including: Florida, Georgia, New York, California, Colorado, New Jersey, Ohio, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia.
Duplicate dentures step by step.
1. Use walk-in service or mail your denture from the nearest post office. For out of state customers: to speed up this process you can choose overnight delivery. You should receive your dentures back in 24 hours from the moment we receive it if you use overnight delivery option.
2. Locally try to deliver denture before noon. We will make a duplicate as you wait.