We have ongoing questions regarding this topic from our blog and forums. I will try to shine some light on it right here.
A denturist is the board certified technician providing your oral health examination. Their training allows them to diagnose and evaluate edentulous and partially edentulous oral conditions.Their study focuses on the clinical and technical aspects of removable dentures as well as general health.
It is not uncommon to visit denturist directly without referrals from other health care professional. In most cases your insurance will cover some of the expenses. You can ask your denturist to help you find out what and if any services are covered under your dental plan.
It is important to see denturist every five years or ever time your dentures become loose or are no longer comfortable. Replacing your dentures will improve your self-confidence and may stop possible health complications resulting from old denture.
Is it your time to consult your local denturist? There are some questions you need to ask yourself.
How severe is my current oral condition? Try to collect as much information from your dentist every time you visit the office. Ask about prognosis and possible outcomes of all procedures to determine if you are ready for dentures.
How much money do I spend on teeth every year? Calculate your expenses and find out what are the prices of getting dentures in your case. Review your dental plan to make informative decision.
How bad is the pain or discomfort? Have you had enough? In this case your judgement is the only factor.
In many cases some of your teeth will not be removed as they are creating stable fit for your overdenture - partial denture. In other cases implants will provide same support. You may as well consider getting full denture in which case there will be no natural teeth remaining.
A denturist can perform following duties.
Make impressions, make necessary jaw relation records, select artificial teeth, design the dentures.
Fabricate dentures.
Perform any adjunctive services such as repair dentures, relines and adjustments of removable dentures.
Set teeth.
Supervise auxiliary personnel in the performance of their delegated duties.
Provide sports mouthguards.
Provide anti-bruxism (night guard) devices.
Provide tooth-whitening services.
Creating clone of your denture (denture cloning).

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Duplicate dentures $199 with any denture repair.
Denture repair starting at $39.
So who is denturist and what are his/her duties?
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Denturist - time for visit?